What is the Difference Between Joint Tenancy and Tenants in Common?

In real estate, joint tenancy refers to ownership by two or more people in a property where the shares are equal and undivided. People...

How to get compensation for a wrongful eviction (N12)

Did you move out of your home because your landlord ‘needed’ it for personal use only to discover they never followed through with it?...

Christopher Materny: Eviction for Personal Use

How to Evict a Tenant for Personal Use? If you own a property and rent some or all of the space to tenants, you may...


W jednym z poprzednich artykułów pisałam o alimentowaniu dzieci przez rodziców biologicznych i wykazałam, że obowiązek alimentacyjny w stosunku do dzieci mają naturalni rodzice...

Global Estate Planning and Administration

In a global world, it is common for individuals to own assets in multiple countries, as well as to name friends and family members...

Navigating the New World of ChatGPT: How Our Firm Can Advise...

What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a chatbot software operated by the OpenAI company. “GPT” stands for Generative Pretraining Transformer. “Generative” – it can create or generate...

Legal Requirements for International Marriages: Non-Impediment Certificates & Single Status Affidavits

You are going to get married in a foreign country and the jurisdiction of your upcoming marriage is asking you to provide a document...

Donor for baby – An agreement between friends

  Are you considering asking a close friend to be a donor for your baby? Will your friend have rights to parenting time, decision making,...

Fair and Reasonable Compensation for Estate Trustees: How to Determine and...

Estate trustee compensation Acting as the executor of an estate, also known as an “estate trustee,” can require a significant commitment of time and effort....

9 maja – rozprawa przeciwko ambasadzie Kanady w Warszawie o naruszenie...

Szanowni Państwo, niniejszym informuję o nadchodzącej rozprawie z mojego powództwa przeciwko Ambasadzie Kanady w Warszawie o wynagrodzenie, odszkodowanie, ekwiwalent za urlop, odprawę pieniężną - pisze...