Dotyczy tekstu o bluzgach

Panie Andrzeju, cieszę się, że Pan ten temat poruszył jednocześnie uchylając rąbka więziennego życia. Język pelen wulgaryzmów to język knajacki niegodny szanującego się człowieka. Dla mnie to element pewnego rodzaju zdziczenia prowadzącego do ignorowania zachowań mających swe oparcie w zasadach dobrego wychowania, odpowiednich kanonach postępowania, wychowaniu wyniesionym z domu rodzinnego i wierze. Ważna jest też reakcja osób słuchających te wulgaryzmy, nauczony przez moich Rodziców reaguję alergicznie na wypowiadającego te słowa. Nie dlatego, że jestem święty, ale w trosce o czystość ojczystego języka.


Henryk Gadomski


To: Premier of Ontario

Mr Ford

I don’t trust you and your medical officers.  They were wrong from beginning (mask off mask on )I would not want to celebrate with people like yourself who lies and disrespect Ontarians. You know that you are wrong and you keep maneuvering in lies.  Churches opening does not contribute to infections . Churches kept closed give evidence of your war on Christianity.

Wieslawa Derlatka

From: Doug Ford To: Wieslawa Derlatka

Thank you for writing to me about religious services. I appreciate hearing your views and concerns.

Our government’s top priority has been the health, safety and well-being of all Ontarians. That is why, with the alarming rise in the spread of COVID-19, we made the difficult decision to implement a provincewide lockdown, including restricting the capacity of places of worship. This was not an easy decision to make, especially during the holiday season. But it was a necessary decision if we are to control the spread of the virus, prevent illness and hardship, and save lives. Due to the rise in the spread of COVID-19 across the province, and at the advice of our public health experts, we must remain vigilant and adhere to the lockdown provisions.

Thanks once again for contacting me. I look forward to a day in the near future when we may all be able to worship together once this terrible virus is defeated.

Doug Ford

Premier of Ontario