Warszawa, 31 grudnia 2020 r.

        Hi, I write this letter according to comments made by Wojciech Wilkowski in weekly  “Goniec” (March 18 – 24 ’21). Mr. Wilkowski you write: “I do not like to read or hear about Jewish people being blamed for communism or other problems in Poland”.

        I do not agree with you. First of all, you write generally about “Jewish people being blamed for (…)


Would you like to answer for a few of my questions, please:

– Who was a founder of communist ideology?

– Who were members of majority of Bolshevik’s communist party in Soviet Russia?

– Who were mainly a head of “Public Security Office” in Poland during Stalin’s era?

        Now, I answer your question: “What does the Jewish religion have to do with communism and problems in Poland?” I think, none of religions have to do with subjects mentioned by you. But, which of five Jewish religions do you mean?

        Problem is not all, but some Jews with their attitude against Polish people during very difficult times for Poland in Polish history, eg: Russian invasion east part of Polish territories in Sept. 1939, and role which some Jews play during Russian occupation, and earlier when Poland was under partition by its three neighbours – Russia, Prussia and Austria.

        Than, the last of your objection: “(…) included some screenshots of articles”. (in weekly “Goniec” on webside). “Żydowska Antifa czyli hakerzy z Izraela” and so on… It’s taken out of context. It’s your demagogy!

        At the end I’d like to wish you, good luck “to be married to a Jewish woman and have Jewish children and to rise them according to the Jewish faith”. I also wish you Mr. Wilkowski all the best! Shalom!


Vadim Lakov

(I’m descendant of polonized Jews).


I would like to recommend you some Polish authors:  prof. Feliks Koneczny – “Cywilizacja żydowska”, “O wielości cywilizacyj”. Teodor Jeske-Choinski – one of his 38 books according to relationship between Poles and Jews. And also I recommend you Jewish movie “The Believer”.